
Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) plays a critical role in our school, as we both work together in the interests of our students.

The P and C ‘s overarching objectives are to:

  • Assist in the provisions of resources, facilities and amenities for the school.
  • Develop parent participation and involvement in the school and its policies.
  • Promote the interests of the school through co-operation between parents, teachers, students and members of the community.
  • Act as the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and its community.
  • Foster community interests in educational members

President: Nikki Lewis
Vice President: Sarah Clarke
Treasurer: Kelly Callope
Canteen: Courtney Withnell
Uniform shop: Debbie Carruthers
Drum Muster: Kevin Naisbitt
Sports Committee Rep: Tahryn Trevenen

Meeting dates: – P and C meeting dates 1st Monday or each month at 7pm in the LGDHS Padley Room
New and interested parent and community members are very welcome.

To join or contact the P&C, please email: