School Information

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Families and Visitors,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to the Lake Grace District High School Website. Lake Grace DHS has a proud tradition of being inclusive, supportive and providing students with a high quality education for students in Kindergarten to Year 10. Students benefit from well resourced classrooms, small class sizes and a strong focus on pastoral care.

Over the last two years, the school has undergone significant changes and upgrades with an aim to:

  • Deliver high quality and innovative education programs.
  • Provide students with access to contemporary and well-resourced learning facilities.
  • Be proactive to meet the changing needs of our students and wider community.
  • Provide programs and opportunities across the school to rival the largest schools in the state.
  • Improve the overall aesthetics and interactivity of the school grounds for greater student amenity and enjoyment.
  • Build stronger partnerships between our parents and wider community with greater transparency, community involvement and opportunity to share and shape the future direction of our school.
  • Improve our overall processes, procedures and structures to enable greater efficiency and service delivery.
  • Provide our students with greater voice and leadership opportunities.
  • Develop and capitalise on the skills and expertise of an expert teaching team to support student outcomes and success.
  • Grow all areas of our school with greater retention of our high school students as our range and offering greatly surpasses that of other schools.
  • Celebrate and showcase our school as a centre of excellence within the region, sharing expertise and maximising opportunities for engagement with our neighbouring schools and towns.

Parent and community involvement in our school is greatly valued and forms the foundation of our commitment to providing a school which is reflective to the needs of its students, staff, families and wider community.

We regard you, the parents, as your child’s first and most important teacher. From you they learn things that will be vital to their success in school. They learn to be inquisitive about their world; to be interested in books, shapes, colours and numbers. Your children also learn patterns of behaviour that will determine how they react to the many situations that occur in school life to shape them as responsible and active citizens.

When your children start their journey at LGDHS, their education becomes a partnership between our school and you. By working harmoniously we hope to build on the foundations you have provided to enable your children to achieve their potential.

We look forward to working with you and your family for the years to come,

Best wishes,

Kerrianne Mills | Principal

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